The disadvantages of cheap business websites

by Admin
The advantage of a business website is the potential to reach a global audience. The costs of setting up and maintaining a website can be quite low (even free) but the potential return on investment can be significant. Think of your business website in terms of advertising for your business and you’ll be more likely to see the value.
When cheap becomes expensive
There are many elements involved in building a high quality website. A website needs a secure platform and rock solid design to provide a foundation suitable for long term growth and development. This takes time and expertise by skilled developers. A cheap website will not have hand written code, it will use generic templates and lack bespoke features or functionality, and it’s unlikely to perfectly fit your business needs and objectives. A ‘one size fits all’ website is a budget option. The objective of the website owner may be met short term but it may not be fit for purpose longer term and therefore won’t represent value for money or an adequate return on investment longer term.
“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” – Oscar Wilde
When cheap becomes expensive
A website needs to be updated regularly, it doesn’t maintain itself and it should be an ongoing process to ensure search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.) know your website is active and relevant to users who may be searching for you and your services, which in turn will move your website higher up in search results and encourage more visitors (and potential sales). A ‘cheap’ website can quickly become expensive due to hidden updated fees, or worse, it can be left to become stagnant and fall into obscurity.
Mobile devices, operating systems (such as Windows and Mac OS) and web browsing software (such as Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari) are all updated frequently as technologies change and firms try to stay ahead of malware and viruses.
A good website will achieve results
A business website should generate a return on investment and quickly recover the cost of producing it. A ‘take away’ website with an uninspiring static design or inadequate content will disengage users and lost traffic is lost revenue. A cheap website can damage your brand, a huge cost in terms of lost opportunity. Poor copy can also lead to penalties from search engines and ultimately make a website invisible to users.
To find out more or to obtain a competitive quote for a reliable high quality bespoke website please contact us, we’d love to hear from you!
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